Dancing to the right music – Day 4


John 15:18 (AMP) “If the world hates you [and it does], know that it has hated Me before it hated you.”

For the past three days, we have learned that fear is the driving force behind pleasing people. Secondly, we have identified (with the help of the Holy Spirit) the giants we need to overcome. Today we look at rejection – the only way I can describe rejection is ouch, eina it hurts!  Not being good enough changes us, it takes a piece of who we are and leave us different in a way. changing the way, we see and feel about everything.

Whenever we hear a song that we know, it will always take us back to a memory. We will remember something about this song (place, time, how it made us feel).   Rejection works the same way, the moment we are triggered with feelings of rejection, it will take us back to all the pain and hurt all over again. Undealt rejection will now become the reason why we want to please and impress people – an outcry that I just want acceptance and need to know that I am good enough!

While facing my giant of rejection (oh boy it hurt!) I was reminded that Jesus was rejected and hated long before I was. As I was meditating on the life Jesus had while He walked the earth, the fact that He always sought guidance and counsel from His Father stood out for me.  Even though He was rejected, God exalted Him and He overcame. We are to follow His example and fear God as He did.

Psalm 118:22-25 (NIV) “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone;
 the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad. Lord, save us! Lord, grant us success!”

Dealing with rejection is a process. Allow yourself some time in prayer and ask Holy Spirit to help you identify all the rejections in your life. Write them down. Seek counsel and guidance from God as you work through them. Once you have identified the origin of your rejection, you are ready for the next giant of fear: unworthiness.

Prayer: Father God, today we ask that You touch our places of rejection, once they are revealed we can deal with them. As the Holy Spirit guides, gently speak to our hearts and comfort and guide us as we face rejection face on today. Amen

Written by Lurine van Zyl

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