Day 1 – Rest a little while 2022

Mark 6:31(AMP)  “He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a little while”—for there were many [people who were continually] coming and going, and they could not even find time to eat.”

I am sure if we all look back at 2021, we would all agree that it has been a busy, challenging year. As we enter into a new year, we reflect on the goodness and grace of God, as we stand expectant that He will carry us through 2022 as well.

For the next few days, I would like to share what Holy Spirit spoke to my heart for 2022, trusting that it would reach everyone that needs to hear this message as well.

“You drown and fade away in your busyness” words spoken to my heart one evening in my quiet time as I sat drained and tired before God –  “rest a little while”.

God is asking us to come away to a place of rest, not the worldly type of rest but rest and confidence in Him. Rest is a gift from God, associated with peace; a peace we can only find in Him.

In Mark 6:31-48 Jesus and His disciples are surrounded by crowds and even after He has instructed them to go and rest for a while, the crowds follow and they are to be fed as well.  We see the heart of Jesus serving and providing nevertheless and ending the day with quiet time in prayer with His Father.

Getting to a place of rest will not always entitle the ability to seclude and isolate, we will always have responsibilities and duties but the secret is “resting for a while” amid the crowds, the expectations, and the demands.

Prayer: Heavenly Father as we start a new year, may we each pursue to rest a little while in everything that is expected of us. Lead us through Your Spirit to find rest in Your presence in 2022. Amen.

We would love to pray with you