Day 14 – Stay

“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:27
God always has a plan we do not understand at that exact moment when we feel disappointed when something does not go according to our plans. Victoria shares this, “Upon applying for my applications to universities, I was like most other students who applied everywhere. Personally, I had my heart set on studying in Cape Town, however this was not something I had actually prayed about, yet.
Towards the end of the year, when I prayed about it and asked the Lord where He needed me, I vividly remember him saying to me, “Stay”. I was worried about staying because if I had to stay here in Pretoria, I wouldn’t be studying what I would have loved to – due to an error in my application, and available space – so I would be studying something similar instead.
I decided that I would take it into the Lord’s hands and trust his will and plan for my life, even if it was not something I had initially wanted. By God’s amazing grace, a spot opened up in my dream degree and I was blessed to have it. I took that as a confirmation from God that He wanted me here.
Looking back a year later, I can honestly say that I don’t think I could have been happier anywhere else. I’ve had incredible success in my degree so far and I have grown so much closer to the Lord in my walk with Him. This blessing always serves as a reminder to me that our God is so much greater than any of our worries and He always knows what is best for you. It has taught me to always put my faith in the One who sees what lies ahead when we cannot.
There is no greater feeling than knowing that you are exactly where the Lord wants you to be.”
Prayer: Thank You, Lord, that Your plans are exceeding anything we can possibly think of. And even when we feel disappointed, our trust and obedience to You bless us in the path You laid out for us. May each person reading this, feeling disappointed, have hope and encouragement in Your plan. Amen.

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