Day 25 – Leave Nothing to the Last Minute
“But all things must be done appropriately and in an orderly manner.” 1 Corinthians 14:40
Proverbs says that plans of the diligent surely lead to abundance. With the Master Strategist as our Guide, we have the privilege of gaining access to godly wisdom, making for a life of peace as we navigate all we have to do. Take up your pen and paper, make your lists and lay it before God and let Him establish your way.
Prayer: Father, we were created to work in unison with You, never was the intent that we should go it alone and endure the stress and anxiety that comes from trying to do things by ourselves, that is why we bring all our plans before You, submitting to You and following where you direct, thus enjoying You keeping us in perfect peace. In Jesus name. Amen
By Anna-Mart Nel for
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