Day 3 – Promise Keeper (Part 2)

Today we continue with Zenda’s testimony.

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

“Those years we just had Skype to communicate. We had a time difference so I would contact him at 2 am our time that was the only time in between his working sessions we could talk. I remember he contacted me before our scheduled communication time to ask which stage of cancer it was. I was devastated as I knew he would know how bad it was if he googled it. Melanoma would also not be something he would not know about. 

The doctor told me he had 6 months to live, and he could lose his arm with the moll he had on his forearm. He rushed home with the next available flight. They prepared him for surgery the next morning and there was an obstruction, like a blood clot, that stopped the cancer from spreading. We were so grateful and gave thanks to God. 

But then I was diagnosed a few weeks later with the same cancer but mine was stage 2 and luckily with surgery, it was removed. It was just another confirmation of the prophetic word we received years before.

Our God is a good Father who hears your cries, and He is our Healer.

Keep your eyes on His plan and purpose for your life and stand on God’s promises.”

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your miracle in the lives of Zenda and her husband and through the promise and miracle healing You show Your faithfulness through everything. Please bless them Lord, as well as each person who read this testimony. I pray that this is a beacon of hope for someone who desperately needs reminding that You are a Promise Keeper. Amen.