Day 3 – Return & Repent

Isaiah 30:15 (AMP) “For the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel has said this, “In returning [to Me] and rest you shall be saved, In quietness and confident trust is your strength.” But you were not willing,”

As we drown in the busyness of the world, we become weak. Like a flower fading and losing our intended purpose. God’s heart for us in 2022 is to regain our strength in the quietness spent in prayer and submitting to His greatness. In resting, we gain confidence.

Often we confuse resting or quietness with being passive and non-respondent.  Why would the word then refer to quietness and trust as being a strength? It is important to notice that we need to return to God first before we can reach quietness, trust, and finally strength.

When God is calling us to rest awhile in 2022, He is calling us to a place of repentance as well. All the things of the world separate us from God, stealing our joy and strength. Becoming still is hard work, daily obedience, and effort building our trust and re-establishing our confidence in God.

In your quiet time today, repent of all the things that have weakened you and allowed you to lose your confidence. Recommit today, to return to God; repent and become quiet in His presence as His Spirit builds you up again and speaks to your heart.

Prayer: Father God, today we repent of all the things that have weakened us. Holy Spirit please come and fill every part of our lives that have faded and help us to return, rest, and received Your confidence and trust as we become quiet. Amen

We would love to pray with you