Day 3 – Set Boundaries
“And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands and territories.” Acts 17:26
Unlike what the enemy wants us to believe, we are not to get involved in everything, everywhere.
God created each of us specifically for a time such as this, for specific tasks and goals to be reached through us and we are to ask for His wisdom before getting involved, even under pressure from others. We live under the rule that all we do, we do for Christ and as such this may involve getting involved for the long haul, therefore, we as people seeking wisdom, always ask before we commit.
Prayer: Father, You know the desire of our hearts is to please you, to try and do something in return for all the good You have done for us, but please let Your wisdom prevail also in this, because Your goal was never for us to be overextended, becoming tired, stressed and emotional, but to under Your guidance do what You find for our hands to do. May our willingness to rather please You than people, be a blessing to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
By Anna-Mart Nel for
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