Day 32 – Limit Your Social Media Usage
“Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” 1 Corinthians 15:33
At this time of year, with everybody reaching the end of their strength and patience, is the time for us to be alert! Everybody has an opinion and as self-control and wisdom dwindles, things that cause offense rear up their ugly heads. We are to guard our hearts with all diligence and the most sure fire way, is abstinence. Stay away from things that upset you and cause you to lose your peace, for in the end all the strife will be shown to have all just been chasing after wind.
Prayer: Father, You have given us awareness, knowledge of ourselves and of You and of the enemy’s wiles. As we learn how to walk in this newfound power to discern, may You lead us by the still waters, Lord, keeping our hearts and minds focused on You and our peace perfect. In Jesus name. Amen
By Anna-Mart Nel for
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