Day 5 – Chosen In Christ

“In Him we were also chosen…in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory.” Ephesians 1:11-12 (NIV)
Beloved, thousands, even tens of thousands will fall beside you, but you will remain standing. You have been built on the one Solid Foundation, as I predestined. Trust in Him. It is now the time to seek My face. I have many vessels I want to pour out over the earth. You are My Foothold for those who Climb High Mountains, so they can reach the top, to be able to fly. You are steadfast and crowned with a full portion of boldness and love. I have chosen you to spread My fragrance and to bring the people I give to you, into My place of holiness and grace. Remember, your strength lies in My Son. Jesus is your ultimate source of stamina. Everything you lack you can ask of Him. You will receive it because you have received Him. Boast in your weaknesses and see the winning outcome, My little child of endurance, encouragement, and grace.
Prayer: Abba Father, what amazes me is that we cannot boast that we have chosen Jesus or found Him first. The opposite is true in John 15:16 where Jesus says that He chose us and appoints us to go and bear fruit, so that You can give us whatever we may ask You, in Jesus’s Name. Thank you Lord. Amen.
Worship time:
Written by Willemien for
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