Day 5 – God fights for you

Exodus 14:14 (AMPC) “The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.”

“Lord I’m done fighting” maybe words you have uttered many times, I know I certainly have a lot! From my point of view, life contains a lot of fighting, we fight many battles in our minds, hearts, and even with our flesh.

I believe God wants us to stop fighting, there are many things we cannot change, and the more we battle, the more drained we become and the more we lose sight of His heart for us. The only way to remain at rest is to allow and trust God with those battles you are unable to fight. I believe 2022 is the year where we will hear the voice of God giving direction and especially instruction to engage or retreat in the battles that come our way.

We are unable to hear His voice and instruction if we choose busyness over taking time to recharge – rest – in Him. A major truth that Holy Spirit revealed to me was that I chose not to make time for God but rather make time for other responsibilities or people around me but I expect to be full and sustained and at peace all the time? In fact, havoc hits my life when I don’t make time for God so why do I still not learn?

Dear reader, you are reminded today that God fights for you but some battles you need to fight. Our overcoming and victory are locked up in the choices that we make. If we don’t make time to rest in God and hear His leading and heart about a situation or problem we are facing, chances are that we will end up making the wrong decisions and end up crying at His feet asking Him why.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for always fighting with us and for us. For the year ahead we want to entrust Your leading as we become still in Your presence despite our busy lives and listen, learn and act according to Your instruction only. Amen

We would love to pray with you