Day 6 – Rise up after failing.

“Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy; when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light onto me.” Micah 7:8 (KJV)

Failing is never a positive experience. Failure makes you feel unworthy, sad, and disappointed, and even more so if your enemies are rejoicing about it, as we see in this verse in Micah 7. But did you know that when we fail, God can use that weakness in us to be strong?

If we trust in him and rise up after failing, He can turn the situation around, and use it for our good. When we are weak, He can show his strength, but we have to give the situation over to him and we have to submit to his will, not ours. Then failure becomes an opportunity for God to get the glory. If you testify how God took you from failure to success, others will be drawn to learn more about this God that you serve, and you will be able to tell them about Jesus and how he died for their sins too.

Our failures will become milestones we can use to see how God picked us up and showed us how much he loves us by turning the situation for our good. Rise up after failing and give glory to God for how he is changing your circumstances for the better.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for turning my failure into Your glory. Thank you for turning all things for my good. Please help me to see opportunity in every failure. I want all the glory to come to You. Amen.