DAY 6 – Woman know your worth

John 4:15 “The woman said to him “ Sir give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water”

The story of the Samaritan woman from the well draws our attention to the central themes of the gospel. Jesus approached her demonstrating His care for all regardless of their social standing. Also, note the Samaritan woman’s excitement in sharing the good news of Jesus with others.

The story shows the compassion of Jesus’ heart towards us, irrespective of our background. The grace of God works in choosing sinners and making them repent from their sins. Jesus is not moved by the outward act, but He seeks a heart that is repenting and forgiving the sinner. The Samaritan woman came to believe in him and she went home and told others (Isaiah 1:18-20). She was ashamed of her past and after meeting Jesus she lost her shame and found her worth and went back to her community to share the good news.

You cannot meet with Jesus and be the same again. When He comes into your life you become a new creation, old things passed away, and you gain your worth. The Samaritan woman submitted to God to use her, despite her background, gender, ethnicity, and how people looked at her. She experienced the grace of God in the sense of unmerited favor. We needn’t be good for God to call us. God wants us to receive His grace as we are, which is sufficient to change us to do His will.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to let go of fear when you called us to do your work, be bold like the      Samaritan woman. God gives us the strength and courage we need for your plans to be fulfilled through us. So many times we’re scared of failing and not getting it right, that’s why we need you, Father, because you promised us that you will never leave us nor forsake us and we believe and hold on to your promises. Help us to know that your grace is sufficient for us. Amen.

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