Day 7 – I AM your Provider (Part 2)

James 1:12 “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trials, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him”.
Marie continues, “In this difficult time, I almost died of COVID-19 and that rocked my boat and one night I was crying, and I said to the Lord that I can’t go through this problem alone, I need someone to help me. He immediately answered me and said, “Start a prayer group”. First, I was shocked because I heard His voice and then I was angry and I replied “Really Lord, a prayer group. I am not even qualified to lead a group”. At the same time, I knew I needed to be obedient I opened my Facebook. In our community group, I posted a simple ad. Two days later a lady phoned me with the words “I always wanted to start a prayer group”. I was speechless and could only reply “OK”. We met on a Saturday morning, and it turned out that she was a Pastor. Again, I was just so speechless because God already knew, and He sent a qualified Pastor. Unknowingly these ladies carried me through a difficult time. We still meet every Saturday morning to study the Bible and pray. The best of all is that we have a support system that helps others through their problems.
God put me in a situation to change my character and that is why God isolated me from family and friends. I had to learn to trust in His provision and in His ability to solve problems. He wanted me to give every problem I faced to Him to solve. The day I said Amen and trusted God to solve my problems, my mountain moved like it was in front of me and now it is at my back. I was always concerned about my sister’s salvation and during this separation, she got saved. The Lord told me that I was in His way. I learned my lessons and so will you. I want to leave you with this Bible verse: Ps 34:8 Says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good: Blessed is the men that trusted in Him”.
Prayer: Father, thank You that we can learn from Marie’s testimony of provision. Lord, help us see Your plan in our lives and trust You to follow the Word just like the lamp illuminating our way. The awe and wonder we experience when we look back on our lives should be matched to the awe and wonder we experience when looking forward to what You have planned for us. Amen.

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