Day 8 – More on praise

Hebrews 13:15 “Through Him, therefore, let us at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name.”

Yesterday we looked at how praise brings awareness of God’s presence. Praise is a powerful tool.

First and foremost it is our privilege and calling to give God honor and praise for Who He is. He created us to worship Him – because He deserves constant worship. But there is more. What happens when I am in a state of praise? I am training my eyes to focus on the highest Authority, looking to His omnipotent power; acknowledging that His supremacy completely outshines and outlasts my dire situation.

Praise does not always come spontaneously, though. When praise is offered as a sacrifice (because it doesn’t come naturally when the flesh is weak), something happens in the realm of the spirit. A shift begins to take place. The evil forces of darkness that were ordered to cause damage and destruction in your life, are forced to flee from the awe-inspiring, life-giving Light that you have invited to rule in your situation when you exalted God’s name in praise.

The result? A transformed heart. And that is a sacrifice worth making.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, I look to You. You are the Beginning and the End; I choose to give You honour for all that is good in my life. Thank you for Your eternal presence, Your faithfulness, and Your love. Amen.

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