Day 9 – Justified In Christ

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that He lavished on us.” Ephesians 1:7-8 (NIV)

Beloved, My Son’s body was crushed more than the human mind can understand, so that your body can be whole. His blood was poured out so that you can stand clean before Me, without spot or guilt. I do not punish My children who have accepted Jesus.

If so, I would have been unjustified in allowing My only Son to die. My sovereign authority allows no exception. My judgment rests on the shoulders of the unbelievers of this world, so that they can realize that they need My Son as their Savior. You are so precious to Me, My child. Find rest and peace in your salvation – this came at a high price for My Beloved Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I will build the words “Father forgives” into your spirit and mind. This will inspire you to great heights which will bring honor to My Name. Love will carry you into eternity.

Prayer: Abba Father, on countless occasions, Your Spirit has reminded me of Your unconditional love towards me. Thank You for overriding my own perception of Your character and intensions when it is uncertain or false. Help me to dive into Your Word daily to see Jesus in the Scriptures. I ask this in His glorious name. Amen.

Worship time:

Written by Willemien for

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