“What bliss you experience when your heart is pure. For then your eyes will open to see more of God.” Matthew 5:8

Having a pure heart means your heart is full of innocence. The blessing of having a pure and innocent heart is to see God.

“Nathzon” is the Aramiac word for “see”. This can be translated in present tense (they see God) or future tense (they will see God). The Greek is translated: “They will progressively see God.”

I believe beyond seeing God on His Holy throne and Jesus seated in glory; this beatitude is also referring to seeing God while we are still in this world. Having a pure heart is the doorway to Jesus revealing Himself to us and knowing Him more intimately.

“And I, in righteousness will see Your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing Your likeness.” Psalm 17:15

While Jesus walked this earth, He addressed the issue of the heart with the Pharisees many times. Even though they lived a life of ceremonial cleanliness, their hearts were a mess and far from God.

The word says that all things stem from the heart because it is the inner man. “As a man thinketh in His heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

That is why it is not so much the sinful action that results, but the condition of the heart that must be changed. No wonder David asked God to create in him a clean heart. He did not ask to behave better or to be more resilient, but for his heart to be right.

A clean, pure heart filled with innocence is the very core of a righteous life pleasing to God. Only the Holy Spirit can do this in us as we place our hope and trust in our Savior and His blood shed for us.

Prayer: Father, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. I know that only a heart of innocence can please You and bring forth a life pleasing in Your sight. I long to see You Jesus and to know You more intimately. I long to be like You and I ask You Holy Spirit to remove my heart of stone, replace it with a heart of flesh and fill it with burning love and adoration for You as I’ve never known before. Thank You. Amen.

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