Holy Spirit – Day 1 – The Father’s Promise
The Father’s Promise
Acts 1:4 “…He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised.”
When Jesus spoke of His going away in John 14, His disciples were distressed. They had the privilege of personally knowing the Son of God in the flesh. And now He told them the bad news that He would be leaving them soon. Was it really bad news? To them, it must have felt as though their world would fall apart. He had personally taught them everything about the kingdom of God; what it meant to love God and people; what servanthood was about; how to take authority over the evil one, etc.
How were they supposed to live without Him?
Jesus comforts them in John 14:16 and 18: “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter that He may remain with you forever… I will not leave you as orphans, I will come back to you.”
This was Jesus in the flesh speaking to them. In His natural body, He would be limited and thus unable to be with every believer. So, He asked the Father to give them (and us) His Spirit; in this way, He, Jesus, could come back and be with His disciples and every born-again believer forever. This was the Promise of the Father – the Holy Spirit.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Promise – the wonderful Holy Spirit that You gave us. Thank You for not leaving us as orphans but being present in our lives forever. Holy Spirit, reveal Yourself to us, that we would get to know You as our most intimate Companion. Amen
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