Holy Spirit – Day 13 – Guarantee of our Inheritance
Guarantee of our Inheritance
Ephesians 1:11,14 “In Him we also were made God’s heritage (portion) and we obtained an inheritance; for we had been foreordained in accordance with His purpose… That Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance [the firstfruits, the pledge and foretaste, the down payment on our heritage] …”
Yesterday we looked at our individual purpose on this earth and we realised that we need the Holy Spirit to reveal it to us because it is hidden. Today’s passage expands on the will of God for you and me; His purpose, His divine will and design for each individual. There are so many promises that are ours; such blessings and eternal treasures for the child of God – this is the inheritance spoken of in Ephesians 1. The prerequisite for this inheritance, however, is that we must be “in Him”, that is, in Christ. Do you know Christ as your Saviour and Redeemer?
The promise is that the Holy Spirit not only reveals the will and purpose of God to us; He is also the “Guarantee of our inheritance”. He makes the promises sure; they are unbreakable, unchangeable and complete. All of this to the praise and the glory of the Father who has blessed us in the Son.
Prayer: Faithful Father, You have called me, personally chosen me to be Your beloved child. I cannot understand nor explain it, but my heart is overflowing with thanks and praise! Thank You for Your Son. Jesus, thank You for making this relationship with the Father possible. Holy Spirit, thank You for being the guarantee of my inheritance and for being ever-present with me. Amen
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