Words – Day 4 by Iriza

Words Attack – Idle Words

“But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give an account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words, you will be condemned.” Matthew 12:36-37

Imagine with me for a bit. You are standing in front of God on the day of judgment, and a recording of all the idle words you’ve spoken are being played back to you. Like a heavenly Dictaphone that recorded every single word that left your lips. Would you stand shamefaced before God while your own words are condemning you?

But what are idle words you wonder? Idle words, according to Webster’s Dictionary, means lacking worth or basis, not occupied or employed (has no purpose). We can classify idle words in multiple categories, but there is one I would like to highlight bright, neon yellow. Unfulfilled promises are idle words for which we will one day be held accountable. Think of promises you made that never came to fulfilment. Have you made promises to people or even to God that hung in the air as idle words? People who do not keep their word lose their credibility. If you have a shadow of a doubt that you might not be able to do something, think of the heavenly Dictaphone and refrain from saying it at all.

Prayer: Father, I have spoken countless words in my lifetime. I bring all those words to You and ask that you will refresh my mind of all the idle words I have spoken. My Father, I ask that you please forgive me for my idle words and place a guard over my tongue to stop idle words from leaving my mouth. Amen.


Prayer requests: prayer@womenoftheword.co.za