Words – Day 9 by Iriza

Words Attack – Murmuring

“And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness:” Exodus 16:2

At this point in the 40 years wilderness detour, the Israelites started to murmur. They were thirsty and hungry. (As if God would forget His children) God opened the mouth of a rock to produce a fountain for them to quench their thirst and He opened the heavens and gave them Manna. They were happy and rejoiced in Gods goodness and in the miracle He had done for them. All was good again in camp Israel. Until… they started to murmur AGAIN. They forgot about the miracle of the manna and wanted meat. How easily do we forget the miracles God has done for us? We want things, pray for them, hope for them, and when we do not get what WE want, we start to murmur.

The Hebrew word ‘Lun’ denotes the mutterings of disaffected persons. It’s used in connection with the complaints of the Israelites in the desert against Yahweh. To murmur is to complain! And some of us are expert complainers. We are so used to murmuring, that it’s the only thing that leaves our lips: complaining to God and about God. Take heed of the words that leave your lips today to see if they are murmurings or life-giving words because complaining is a form of speaking death.

Prayer: Father, please forgive me the times I murmur. To You and about You. Thank You for quenching my thirst and providing my daily bread. Amen.


Prayer requests: prayer@womenoftheword.co.za