Day 10 – Locus sent from the sky
God vs Seth
By now, one would think that the Egyptians have experienced defeat and destruction, but they still have an unwavering spirit.
They remain steadfast in their faith and devotion to their gods and goddesses, finding comfort and protection in their worship. Impressive wonders from other deities do not sway them.
In ancient Egyptian mythology, Seth was regarded as the god of the sky and had dominion over thunder, storms, warfare, and chaos. As the next plague threatens to consume what remains of Egypt, Seth’s tactics could prevent further destruction. But the Lord has already hardened Pharaoh’s heart and the hearts of his followers, and there seems to be no turning back. The Lord has a solid plan and is determined to make a lasting impact that will be remembered throughout history. This is a critical battle, and God intends for it to be etched in the memories of all as a period when He dealt severely with the Egyptians. Miracles and signs will dispel any doubts about God’s power and demonstrate that the Egyptian gods cannot rival Him.
Once again, God sent Moses and Aaron to plead with Pharaoh to release the Israelites. In Exodus 10:3, God spoke through Moses, saying, “Thus says the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, how long will you refuse to humble yourself before Me?” God recognized Pharaoh’s prideful heart and warned of the impending destruction of Egypt. When Moses and Aaron left, Pharaoh’s servants asked how much longer this would continue and begged him to let the Israelites go. Pharaoh attempted to negotiate with Moses but ultimately accused him of having evil intentions and ordered him to leave. The wave of locusts consumed what little food remained in Egypt, leaving the people without hope for God’s grace and facing the threat of death. Pharaoh’s heart had hardened, and he was unable to change.
God 8 and the Egyptian god’s 0
Trusting the Father completely and letting go of our pride can be a challenge. While some may experience this change quickly, others may need more convincing evidence. In James 4:10, it is written, “Humble yourself before the Lord and He will exalt you.”
Prayer: Lord thank you that I can draw near to You and that You will acknowledge me as Your child, James 4:8 “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you”. Amen.
Written by Mari Swanepoel
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