Day 21 – Where is your field?

“Jesus replied, ‘The Son of Man is the farmer who plants the good seed. The field is the world, and the good seed represents the people of the Kingdom.” Matthew 13:37-38 NLT

In the Word, God uses striking agricultural references when referring to His people and His relationship with them. And just like the gardens, vineyards, and groves, fields are equally important. In Matthew 13 Jesus explained the parable of the weeds in the field to His disciples and mentioned “The field is the world,”. The world is one big field, ready to receive the good seed and ready to be harvested.

Not all of us are called to serve the Lord in a building. Some are called to be missionaries, others evangelists, some work in dangerous areas to reach prostitutes and human- and drug trafficking, others to write, some to pray at schools, and the list goes on. The field of the world may be the same, but we have different responsibilities in our ministries and lives to represent the Kingdom of God. What you do might feel insignificant to you, but never forget that you are the good seed representing the Kingdom.  

Beloved, where is your field where Jesus sowed you?

Prayer: Father, it is unmistakable that the world needs You. The harvest is indeed full but the workers few. I pray that You will affirm our ministries and missions in our hearts so that wherever You send us or whatever You call us to do, we do it with joy, peace, and thanksgiving to bring the Good News of Jesus to all those we can reach within the field of the world. Let no one stay behind in the field but that all have a place in the Kingdom. Thank You, Lord, for making us so diverse but that we have the same goal, to bring Glory to You. Amen.