I just love the story of Rahab. She is the perfect example of a second chance. Actually, she is the epitome of God-giving beauty for ashes.
She was a harlot, yet precious enough for God to transform her life, that she formed part of Jesus Christ’s lineage.
Even Hebrews 11:31 mentions this woman by name: “By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe when she had received the spies with peace.”
The Word of God does not hide what Rahab was or did in her past, but it also highlights that she was a woman who had faith. She is so special that her story is told in the old testament, yet her name is again mentioned in the new testament. God gives second chances, always.
Rahab lived in Jericho. She heard the stories of how the God of Israel dried up the water from the sea so that the Israelites could walk on dry land through it. She heard the stories of how God sustained them and gave them victory in all their battles. How God squashed their enemies.
When Joshua sent out two spies, she hid them in her house. She told them that the people of Jericho feared the Israelites. She said that she knew their God was the true living God. A prostitute that had never met God, never seen God in action, yet, believed in God wholeheartedly when she heard about how great the God of Israel was.
May we all learn from her example? She asked for her and her family to be spared because she hid the Israelite spies. She hung a scarlet thread down her window. A symbol of the precious blood of the lamb that covers us from a multitude of sins. A symbol of protection. Just like in Egypt, when the Israelites were commanded to paint blood from a lamb on their doorposts so that the angel of death would not harm their firstborn during the last plague.
All Rahab did was believe and have faith. They were included in the Jewish community afterward. God redeemed Rahab and her family.
I don’t know what is your past or your present situation. We all do and have done things we are ashamed of. But that is no reason for us not to reach out to God and think He would not accept us. Our lives can change because we are special in God’s sight. All of us were worth dying for.
Don’t ever believe the lies of the devil. You are precious to God. He gave Rahab beauty for her ashes. Give your ashes to God today and allow Him to give you the beauty in return.
Written by Pastor Sandra for Women of the Word
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