
One of the most recognizable women in scripture is Hannah. Many of us know her story for her deep anguish over not being a mother. We all most likely recall her time at the temple, taking her request to God in powerful prayer. And what mom wouldn’t be impacted by Hannah’s bold move – leaving her little blessing at the temple to be raised by Eli the priest?

She showed unmatched restraint with her words. She not only knew the right things to say but also when to refrain and not say anything. Peninnah, Elkanah’s other wife, teased Hannah for her infertility. And, instead of responding to her tormentor, she kept quiet.

During one of the family’s annual trips to the tabernacle, Hannah had enough of the ridicule. She didn’t lash out at Peninnah, but she knew it was time to do something. She left the dinner table and went straight to God with her plea. Her character was tested when Eli accused her of being drunk. And once again Hannah demonstrated grace and humility through her words. 

Once Hannah explained herself to Eli, his heart softened. He then reassured her of God’s intention to answer her prayer for a son. But that was just the first time Eli went to God on Hannah’s behalf. Eli was right. God answered her prayer. But the story didn’t end when Hannah gave birth to Samuel. It didn’t end when she took him to the temple either. Each year Eli blessed Elkanah and Hannah again, asking God to give them more children because of her sacrifice. God continued to answer the prayers for Hannah. She had three more sons and two daughters while Samuel “grew up in the presence of the Lord”

As Hannah dedicated Samuel back to the Lord, she fulfilled her commitment. How hard this must have been for her as a mom! I wonder whether I would have been able to go through with it, but Hannah praised God for her blessing. She thanked Him for His sovereignty. And at the end of her prayer, we find evidence of God’s plan for all mankind.

It is not always easy being a mother. Okay… It is never easy being a mother. Especially when you longed for a little one for so long and then had to give him away… Hannah wanted the torment and shame of her barrenness to stop by pleading to God for a child, but she was also willing to go all the way to dedicate her son to the One who gave him. Friend, our dedication as mothers should be the same as Hannah’s, willing to give our children to the Lord for His will and plan regardless of our mother’s hearts getting in the way.

You can find a devotional on Hannah here https://womenoftheword.co.za/category/hope-like-hannah/

Written by Pastor Iriza for Women of the Word

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