Day 20 – Words Attract: Speak up
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” Proverbs 31:8
There are times when you just can’t speak in a situation, or a broken heart leaves you so destitute that words seem futile. I believe those are the times God places words in the mouths of others to speak on your behalf – those moments you just silently say “Thank You, God!” Likewise, when you feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak up for someone, do so. You might be the voice they need to speak for them in that moment. Stand on your moral grounds as a Christian and rely on the voice of God to be the words needed.
There are many causes where people become the voice for those in destitute situations, like human trafficking, animal abuse, child abuse, child marriages etc. They are the words proclaiming the rights of the destitute.
Prayer: Father, thank You for guiding those to speak for those who can’t speak for themselves. Thank You for sending people to speak on my behalf when I don’t have the words. Also, Holy Spirit, please guide me to at times be such a voice for others too. Amen.
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