
The hardest situations bring out the best in people. Abigail’s life is a powerful reflection of this very truth. To say she married into a toxic situation would likely be an understatement. Nabal, her husband, was a very wealthy man but described as “surly and mean in his dealings” 1 Samuel 25:3. He was cruel and despite his lack of judgment, his household seemed to do all they could to keep him, and themselves, out of the trouble he initiated.

David and his band of 600 soldiers had shown kindness to Nabal and his workers. When David asked for this kindness in return it was met with rudeness and contempt. David’s anger flared up and he was ready to destroy Nabal and his entire household. These servants must have feared for their lives, and one of them knew exactly where to go for help: Abigail.

“Abigail lost no time…” 1 Samuel 25:18a. Abigail showed great wisdom in acting swiftly and speaking honorably to David. She took control of a dangerous situation and sent food with her servants ahead to David’s camp. She acted alone and when she met David she did so with honor and respect. Instead of hiding or cowering, Abigail was courageous to move forward – towards the danger – knowing that God was surely with her. She saved her household.

It showed great humility and strength to shoulder the blame for something she did not do. She begged for forgiveness on behalf of her entire household (even her cruel husband) and God used the moment to show David how wrong it would be to take revenge in his own way and kill the entire household because of one man’s hard heart.

Abigail did not know what the outcome would be, but still, she chose to do the right thing. She looked beyond herself and acted with compassion, seeking to make peace with everyone her husband had angered. Her words and actions were powerful and careful. She understood the bigger picture and the outcome would be much more significant than that one moment in time.

God fought for Abigail, just as He so faithfully fights for us still today. He did not leave her on her own but gave her great favor in David’s sight.

Maybe your story echo’s that of Abigail’s, or maybe it is very different – yet you are still feeling like your future is troubled or threatened; possibly by illness, loss, uncertainty, difficult relationships, or a toxic environment. Be assured, me sweet sister, God knows your way. He understands the burdens you carry. He is fighting for you right now, even when it’s hard to see the full, big picture. Follow His lead and press in close to His presence.

Written by Pastor Iriza for Women of the Word

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