Day 16 – Spiritual mentoring: Pay it forward

Paul & Timothy.

No doubt Paul invested what he learned from Barnabas into the life of Timothy. (I believe in the life of many young men too). But Paul (with guidance from the Holy Spirit) recognised something in Timothy which resembled what Barnabas might have seen in him. From the start of the first epistle of Timothy, we already see a personal connection between Paul and his adolescent mentee. 1 Timothy 1:2 “To Timothy, a true son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.” He refers to him as a “true son in the faith” indicating the type of mentor relationship between them and Paul who “adopted” Timothy as a spiritual son.

Upon his return to Lystra, Paul observed spiritual gifts in young Timothy. He wanted him to accompany him while using the wonderful means of discipleship (the method Jesus himself used to train the disciples) mentoring his mentee as they ministered together on the road. From the account in Acts and the allusions in Paul’s epistles, Timothy seems to have been one of the most constant companions of the Apostle Paul.

In Philippians 2:22, Paul describes Timothy by commenting, “I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare. For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. But you know that Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with me in the work of the gospel”. Being a truly faithful and obedient mentee takes a special type of trust, with a caring heart that puts other’s well-being first. Timothy was more than a son, he was also a friend, a teacher, joyful and hopeful, loving and a brother to Paul.

Prayer: Lord, sometimes we feel so alone in this world. The enemy has a way of isolating us and takes all our joy and hope. Help us to pay it forward to the rock in someone’s life and give us sisters and brothers who understand what we going through, that will pray for us when we cannot do it ourselves. Thank you, Jesus, for interceding for us every day. Amen.