Day 17 – Confident in her business
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” II Timothy 1:7 NKJV
She puts her trust in God. She knows that the plans God has for her are to bring hope and a future. She knows that even though at times, she might walk through the valley, God is still the same God, even in the valley, and will sustain her through.
As she goes about her business, she does not work half-heartedly. She does her business with diligence because she understands that she is doing her best unto God. She does not cut corners or take shortcuts. She does not deliver secondhand service.
She understands that everything she does is meant to represent Jesus to others.
She does not make irrational or emotional decisions. When it gets tough, she takes a step back and sits at the feet of Jesus, as Mary did. She seeks comfort and peace from God.
She will sweep her house thoroughly to find the lost coin. She is not careless. Favor rests upon her. She is well-informed. She is trained. She is a woman of valor!
She withstands the enemy in God’s armor. She raises her hands in victory. Her weapon is a melody of worship unto the Lord.
She knows, that she is the daughter of the living God, the Alpha and Omega, the one who makes the demons tremble!
Prayer: Father God, hallowed be your Name. Your Kingdom come and Your will be done. You are worthy to be praised. Fill us up with your strength, courage, and boldness so that we can have confidence in you, trust in you, to do what you have called us to do, in Jesus’s Name, Amen.
Written by Sandra Sandtos
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