Day 21 – El Chuwl

“Of the Rock who begot you, you are unmindful, And have forgotten the God who fathered you.” Deuteronomy 32:18
El Chuwl translated means God who formed you. Even though through the natural circle of life instituted by God, we are born from a mother (begotten by a father) into this world. But God is truly the One who chose you. Who formed you. Who chooses to father you from Heaven. And who loves you more than anything else He created.
When you read Psalm 139, you understand that God knows you better than you would ever know yourself. Verse 13-14: “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” And through Jesus Christ, God is our Father and fathers us daily.
Prayer: Father, thank You for being my Father and You formed me the way that I am. In Your eyes Lord, I am perfect. You created me according to Your image and You have called me by my name. Thank You for fathering me throughout every situation in my life and that I can always rely on You. Amen.
PS… Meditate today on the Father–Child relationship between you and El Chuwl. What areas or in what circumstances did God reach into your life as a father would’ve?

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