Day 29 – The Guard

“Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.” Psalm 141:3
I always found it interesting why David asked the Lord to set a guard over his mouth instead of an angel or any other divine protection. As king, David knew and understood the importance of guards – he was surrounded by them 24/7. But the guards charged to look after the king were palace guards. In ancient times they were called the Imperial Guard. It was the duty of these selected few to protect the king and his household. The Imperial Guard would typically be closely associated directly with the king. It would have been people he trusted with not only his life but the lives of his household too. Reading back on David’s life in 2 Samuel 23, we learn about the Gibborim (more well-known as David’s Mighty Men). I would imagine this close-knit band of brothers were appointed as his personal guards.
David asked for a guard emphasizing the importance of protection and trustworthiness. He wanted someone to guard his mouth and whom he trusted with his life. Today we ask God for a guard to watch over our mouths, reciting this verse – but in our minds, we do not think of the guard as a person, we think of them as an angel or divine power standing guard at the door of our lips just like the Cherubim guarding the entrance of Eden. So, if we pray and ask God to place a guard over our mouths, why do we get upset or offended when someone close to us reprimands our words? They could be the guard you asked for.
It is our responsibility to align our words with God’s Word. It’s the responsibility of the trusted guard to protect you by censuring your words and pointing them out to you.
Prayer: Father, many times I’ve prayed for a guard and then did not take heed from my trusted friends when it comes to my words. Please forgive me the times when I did not listen to the guards You appointed over the doors of my lips. Make me attend to those You’ve appointed as guards and listen to what they say for me to change my words. Amen.

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