Day 3 – Dead or alive
“for this son of mine was [as good as] dead and is alive again; he was lost and has been found.’ So they began to celebrate.” Luke 15:24 (AMP)
Are you as good as dead or alive?
The parable of the lost son in Luke 15:11-32 gives much insight into what happens if we treasure worldly things instead of God’s Kingdom. We will be looking a bit deeper during the next few days.
Twice in this parable, the father refers to his son being as good as dead but alive again, lost, and has been found (verses 24 and 32) as a reason to celebrate.
Treasuring the materialistic and worldly things will only be temporary fulfillment and lead to spiritual death as we lose what God has hidden for His children and followers.
His treasures are eternal and give wisdom, understanding, and strength that compares to nothing else – a continual celebration!
Choose to be alive today.
Prayer: Father God, thank You that even when we are lost or spiritually dead, You remain a loving Father waiting for us to return to You. We choose life today; we choose You and every treasure from Your heart. Amen.
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