Breath – Day 13

Breath like the wind

“The wind blows wherever it please. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit” John3:8

The Douay-Rheims Bible (Latin Vulgate to English) translates this verse as: “the Spirit breatheth where He willeth and thou hearest His voice.” We know these words are an explanation of the spiritual birth. A necessity of what Jesus described to Nicodemus in the verses prior. But he only understood the physical birth. With the parallel thoughts of the spirit existing in capacity for life and union with God – but burdened beneath the physical life with its imperative demands – the Spirit of God breaths into us, awakening the spirit to a new life directed to Christ when the man is born of the Spirit.

Yet, the spiritual birth, like the physical cannot be explained. We can observe the miraculous phenomena, but we cannot trace the principle of life. God’s breath – free as the wind of heaven and bound by no limits of nationality or race – finds us in the wide dark world. His breath changes our lives the moment we say: “Yes, Jesus, I accept You as my saviour” Just as God gave you your first breath the second you were born – He gives you your first breath the moment you are born of the Spirit. We will never know where it comes from or where it is heading, but the evidence of new birth remains in our hearts – giving us a new life through accepting Jesus.

Prayer: Father, every time I feel the wind blow, I am reminded of Your breath coming and going through the corners of this earth. And just as Your breath gave me a spiritual new birth through Jesus, I pray that Your breath will change those who are not believers. That they can experience the first breath as a new creation in Christ. Amen.

Written by Pastor Iriza

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