Breath – Day 14
Breath of preparation
John 20:21-22 “Again he said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you” Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit”.
I cannot help to feel a tiny sting of jealousy when I read about the interactions Jesus had with His disciples. They were there with Him! Witnessing first-hand (and more) what we only read about in the Bible. (But thanks to their written accounts of Jesus’s life, we have the opportunity to get to know Him through scripture.)
I think Jesus was looking at 10 wildly shocked faces when He appeared to them because twice, he reassured them with “Peace be with you.” And then Jesus breathes on them and says, “Receive the Holy Spirit”. To me, this is a beautiful gesture and illustration that the Holy Spirit gives comfort. They were grieving the loss of their Rabbi. They were comforted by His breath which He called the Holy Spirit.
Now, biblical scholars have debated this verse I think since the first words of John’s gospel were published. We know that the Holy Spirit was poured out 40 days later at Pentecost. So, what was the meaning behind Jesus’ words? I cannot give you the big theological answer to this question. But I can share with you what was put on my heart.
Jesus was physically with them during His ministry. They did not need anything. But with Him gone, and their hearts filled with uncertainty, Jesus blew on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit”. To me, this was a preparation for what was to follow. That when the Holy Spirit descends on them, they would recognise it. Because let us be honest, noise and tongues of fire from Heaven are scary all on their own. But the disciples were not scared. They accepted the Holy Spirit without a shadow of a doubt, because I believe, through Jesus’ breath over them – they knew who the Holy Spirit was.
Prayer: Father, thank You that You always prepare us for what is to come. I pray today and ask that Jesus Christ blows over us too in preparation for what the Holy Spirit will reveal to us. So we know, that when it happens it is within Your will. Amen.
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