Breath – Day 2

Dry bones

“Then he said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again!” Ezekiel 37:4-5 NLT

Some mornings I am on autopilot. Okay. Most mornings. My well program body takes me through all the normal morning routines and by the last sip of coffee, my mind finally becomes clearer. A while ago, I realised my Bible study also moved to the comfortable position of being on autopilot. It became such a routine that my mind just zoned out to its own “happy place”. (Wish I knew where it went!) I did not concentrate and often had to reread chapters. I felt like Ezekiel’s dry bones. Monotonously flipping through the pages just to get the study done. Because this is what a Jesus girl does, right? Read your Bible. Do your study. Pray… It became habitual rather than spiritual.

Little did I realise, my spiritual life – my precious time with God – was stuck in this valley and my bones dried out. Spiritual dry bones do not drink Living Water. It cannot be sustained on Daily Bread and it sure does not breathe.

I honestly cannot tell you how this happened, but just like our key verse today, God put breath in me! His Word became alive to me and suddenly my spirit was alive again. The realisation that my time with God became habitual and dead shocked me. Just like when you take a sip of fresh orange juice just after you brushed your teeth. It was not pleasant. It is a valley I would not visit again.

See, these bones in Ezekiel had breath in them before, because he prophesies “put breath into you and make you live AGAIN!” Bones do not just appear; they were alive once. There is no shame to admit a certain area of your life is spiritually dead. Because this prophecy is also a promise “Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again!”

Prayer: Father, I ask that you please show me the areas in my life where there are only dry bones. Please put your breath in me, o Lord, so that I can live again! Revive me with Your breath because You alone are Sovereign. I take Your Word as Your breath. Amen.

Written by Pastor Iriza

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