Breath – Day 9

Instructed breath

“Then the Lord asked Moses, “Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.” Exodus 4:11-12 NLT

The nose and mouth are the two organs allowing oxygen in and carbon dioxide out of our bodies. But the mouth has another function too. As we speak, we exhale breath – uttering sounds forming words. Our words are powered by God’s breath and have the power over life and death. (Proverbs 18:21)

Moses’s speech impediment made him feel unworthy of the task at hand. Like his mouth was not good enough to relay God’s message. (Do we not think this too? That we are not worthy to give God’s message). Maybe he had a little stage fright too… I remember my first sermon. I was so nervous. I practiced and recited the carefully chosen words over and over. But the moment I stood at the pulpit, I forgot everything. I stared at my notes and somehow, nothing made sense. I tried to speak and just start somewhere, but nothing came out of my mouth except… “Uhm” It was the most awkward feeling I ever experienced in front of people. But the Holy Spirit reminded me that God will be with me when I speak, and He will instruct me what to say. I shoved my notes to one side, prayed a silent prayer for God to give me the words, and started talking. He did. He is that faithful.

God reminds Moses that He, the creator of the Universe made a person’s mouth. It is by His will that we speak. But do we really speak only what God instructs us to say? Or do we waste His breath? It might be a few words you need to speak, or a whole sermon – trust that God will instruct you what to say with His breath. Let the power of His breath in your words make the difference to another breath-deprived soul.

Prayer: Father, teach me not to waste Your breath on silly words but to use Your breath to utter the words You instruct us with. Fill our lungs so we can boldly declare the gospel to others so they can take their first breath as newborn Christians. Amen.

Written by Pastor Iriza

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