Day 8 – Clothed

“And the Lord God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife.” Genesis 3:21

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, their eyes were opened to know the difference and they were ashamed. Not just of the sin they committed, but the shame of themselves resulting in shame of their physical bodies. And when God arrived for their appointment to walk through the garden, Adam could not show himself because of his nakedness. He was stripped from his holiness in God’s presence to nakedness in a broken and confused world. Before God send them out of Eden, He made clothing for them to hide their nakedness.

“They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him.” Matthew 27:28

During the procession of Jesus’s crucifixion, the soldiers stripped Jesus of His clothing to robe Him in scarlet – a king’s attire. What seems like an act to humiliate our Lord, was the shameful robe of Adam stripped off Him so that He – the only person who has never sinned – could be naked and righteous before God our Father. Because of Jesus, we are no longer naked and ashamed before God, but naked (with nothing to be shameful for) and righteous.

Prayer: Father, thank You that through Jesus we are stripped from the robes of shamefulness and we can stand naked and honest before You through the righteousness of Christ. Please teach us that there is no sin we can hide in shame from You, but that we can bring everything to You in the act of repentance and ask Your forgiveness. Amen.

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