Day 7 – Covenant

“But like Adam, you broke my covenant and betrayed my trust.” Hosea 6:7

Before sifting through the spiritual side of creation, I love to let my imagination run just a little wild. Thinking how dark it must have been. No sounds of creation like birdsongs or sun beetles. Just absolute, unimaginable quiet. How suddenly God’s word breathed creation into being. How it must have looked like when the first growth pushed through the earth colouring the landscape in green and floral hues. What it must have looked like when dust took form into the first human. I like to imagine what it was like to walk with God through the garden of Eden and take care of all He created. A beautiful covenant existed between God and His creation. Until… sin entered the world and humanity was cast into the darkness of a broken world. It does not matter how many times I imagine this perfect covenant, it is always broken.

“And he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it. He gave it to them and said, “Each of you drink from it, for this is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many.” Matthew 26:27-28 NLT

Restoring the covenant between sinful humanity and God our Father, Jesus confirmed the covenant through communion as the symbolism of offering Himself as a just sacrifice. When we participate in communion with Jesus, it confirms over and over the beautiful covenant which Jesus brought to completion.

Prayer: Father, thank You that Jesus confirmed the covenant by giving us the example of communion. And that when we partake in it, we are reminded of this covenant and the meaning and importance of what Jesus did for us. Through this, we know that since creation, You planned to never leave us nor forsake us but to draw humanity back to Your heart and see them righteous as Jesus is. Amen.

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