Day 4 –Gluttony
“Do not mix with winebibbers, or with gluttonous eaters of meat; for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and drowsiness will clothe a man with rags” Proverbs 23:20-21
Gluttony – Excessive Indulgence and ongoing eating of food and drink.
Besides the fact we need to eat for nutrition to live, we like food. We like to eat. We eat when we get together when we celebrate when we mourn and even when we are bored. The moment hunger sets in, we complain. A good Biblical example is the Israelites on their 40-year detour through the wilderness. Most of their complaints were from an empty stomach. Hunger can consume your thoughts, making it difficult for people new to fasting.
The Strong’s Concordance describes gluttony as riotous eating with the word Zalal (pronounced Zaw-lal.) Riots are normally the manifestation of rebellious behaviour. Numerous reasons can be the cause of spiritual rebellion, but most likely fuelled by emotional and spiritual malnourishment. We rebelliously eat and drink to fill a hole caused by emotional starvation, craving acceptance and security.
One specific reason we are attacked with this desire is based on our emotional instability. We do not understand our emotions or how to be in control of them and the desire of gluttony is an option not to think, or deal with them. Underlying pain could walk hand in hand with buried emotions.
Prayer: Father, thank You for food and that You have created it to nourish our physical bodies and that through the burning of energy, we are physically strong enough to do what You called us to do. Lord, please forgive the times when I relied on something else to fill the malnourishment of my soul and rebelled against You. Amen.
Love, Pastor Iriza
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