Day 1 – Alpha and Omega
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” Revelation 22:13 NLT
As we enter this December, the last month of 2024, we normally reflect on the year past – some memories good and others not. Some situations bring change in our “normal” for better or worse. Some new beginnings and some endings. As you reflect on the past year, I hope that You see God’s hand in all of it – a reflection of Jesus in Your life. Through this devotional, we will look at the Names and Attributes of Jesus with praise and thanksgiving.
Jesus proclaimed himself to be the Alpha and the Omega on several occasions in the book of Revelation, a significant way to describe Himself. Being the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet creates a sense of wholeness or fulfilment—an “Altogether Wonderful” capturing His Holiness. It’s confirmation of His being at the beginning and the end of all things.
Have you ever wondered about what is between the Alpha and Omega? Us. In the middle of the story, Jesus Christ was born for our salvation. To be set free from the captivity of sin. To reconcile us with our Heavenly Father. And for us to praise and worship Him because He is altogether wonderful… From the beginning to the end.
Prayer: Father, we praise Your holy Name as we enter the last month of this year. For all that began and all that ended. As we reflect on the past year, we are reminded that You are altogether wonderful. Thank You Jesus for being the Alpha and the Omega and everything in between. May we seek You in everything, Jesus, because we cannot navigate this life on our own strength, but only through Yours. Amen.
Love, Pastor Iriza
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