Day 1- What is your source?

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” –  Luke 12:33 (AMP)

What is important to you? What do you treasure?

In Luke 12: 22-34 we see a connection between what we value and the direction of our life. So what is the treasure and the heart Jesus refers to in this scripture?

Treasure – wisdom; understanding; great abundance; hidden riches; non-material.

Heart – the seat of life and strength; emotional nature and understanding.

The source of our treasures can either be that of the world or the Kingdom of God, the one leads to destruction and death, the other to life and abundance. Our hearts will be a clear indication of which one we value more.

Who or what is your source? What is more valuable to you, God or the material?

Prayer: Father God may we always choose Your Kingdom with hidden treasures: treasures that don’t fail or waste away. Amen.

Let us pray with you