Day 1 – You know me

“O Lord, You have searched me and known me.” Psalm 139:1 NKJV

With the 9th anniversary of Women of the Word this September, the thoughts of where we started, where we are today, and where we are heading played through my mind. As I nostalgically lingered on the “where we came from” memories, I realized I never shared the core scripture which propelled my heart onto this path.

A long time ago I used to think I was a good Christian girl. I read my Bible (occasionally), prayed (when I needed something), and went to church (when I felt I hadn’t been in a while). Until one day, wrought with emotions of why my life was just not going the way I planned, God turned my world upside down with Psalm 139. Tears ran freely as I poured over the scripture realizing Who God is and how small and sinful I am. Like David, I asked God to search me – just like verse one says – because He alone knows me. Often, I wondered how many times David regretted praying this, cause after I did, I had to repent for a lot of things and made the life-changing choice to be obedient to my Creator in all things. And I mean ALL things. Is it easy? No. It wasn’t then and still not today. Listening and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit gradually became a constant as I grew in my relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

In your quiet time today, be brave and ask God to search you and show you what you need to repent of and what areas of your heart you still need to give over to Him. He is the only one who knows you inside and out as we will discover during this devotional series.

Maybe this will be easy for you, or maybe it will rip open your heart like it did mine. Whatever the case may be, know this beloved sister, I am praying with you through this journey.

Let’s pray: Father, today I ask that You search me and show me where I need to change and ask forgiveness. Thank You that You are a merciful God and Your mercy endures forever allowing me to come to You with anything and everything. You know me, Lord, for You have created me and loved me before I took my first breath. Guide me during this devotional to interweave my soul deeper with Yours. Amen.