Day 13 – Bay

(Laurus nobilis)

“I have seen the wicked in great power, And spreading himself like a green bay tree.” Psalm 37:35 KJV

Mentioned only once in Scripture, the bay tree carries a symbolic warning for us all to heed – the spreading of wickedness. An interesting and notable fact about this dark evergreen tree is that it does not spread, but towers between 15-18 meters. We find the account of the tower of Babel in Genesis 11, where the people decided to build a tower reaching the heavens – God did not allow this and scattered them across the earth, separated by their own languages. See, wickedness and evil will always try to be bigger – towering above everything – pridefully lifting itself over all God created.

The leafy twigs were popular in ancient Greek times as decorative crowns for their heroes. When looking at historical imagery from that era, you see the leavy laurels worn by mythological deities. Crowns are a symbol of authority and with this simple adornment, they are elevated above humanity as “false” gods.

We serve the King of the most high, reigning with might, majesty, righteousness, mercy, grace and love. Whose sacrifice spreads wider and towers higher than anything created because we were created through Him and for Him. We should guard against our sinful and prideful nature, not tower like the bay, but stay humble before Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Father, thank You for showing us that there are trees with symbolic warnings teaching us to guard against wickedness. May we always keep our pride in check with humbleness and lift You higher than everything else. Amen.

Love, Pastor Iriza