Day 17 – Stepping out

“So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.” Matthew 14:29b NLT

Of the twelve apostles in the boat, only Peter mustered up the courage to climb over the gunwale – leaving his comfort zone and trusting Jesus. Jesus proved that we (in our humanity) can do the impossible by believing Him and following His command with all our hearts. Even if it was just for a few steps, Peter defied the natural law of water and became part of the miracle, instead of the recipient.

We like our little comfort cocoons and would rather “wait” than submit in obedience while surrendering our fears and doubts to Jesus. Are you a partaker in the miracles God is still performing today or a passenger in the boat of life? Lovely one, if you want to walk on water, You have to get out of the boat.

Prayer: Father, thank You for showing us that partaking in Your plan for us is possible. Just one dared to step out of the boat, but that one was enough to teach us a valuable lesson in our relationship and walk with You. Give us the courage to be the one stepping overboard towards You. Teach us, Lord, to walk on water. Amen.