Day 16 – Yes, come

“Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come,” Jesus said.” Matthew 14:28-29a

Then Peter calls out to Jesus to ease his doubtful mind, because by now they doubted they will survive. Their fear increased when they saw someone approaching them, in the middle of the storm and on the water. I would have been a “bit cautious” too, wouldn’t you? In Peter’s humanity, he called to Jesus, “Lord, if it’s really you..” How many times have you doubted God’s hand in a situation? Or, you’ve been battling the storm so long, that you began to believe your Rescuer will never come.

But with two simple words, Jesus confidently assured Peter to come to Him. Every time we call to Jesus, he will say “Yes, come!” He wants us to go to Him. With everything. In the midst of our storms, He is the One walking on the water. He is the One we can go to. He is the One we can trust.

Prayer: Father, I pray and ask that any doubt we may have in Your glory and power be calmed as Jesus quieted the storm. Give us the confidence to call out and know that “Yes, come!” will always be the answer. May we leave our doubts and fears behind, come to Jesus, and step confidently towards You. Amen.

Pastor Iriza