Day 9 – Storm Symptoms
“Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves.” Matthew 14:24 NLT
Back to the apostles in the boat, and by this time they are rowing hard against the waves of the storm. Have you ever realised the wind, waves, and lightning are only symptoms of a storm? We know of a storm already when we hear the low rumblings in the distance and see the cloud formations growing bigger and darker. We feel the wind pick up, see the flashes of lightning as it rips open the sky and try to take precautions for what is coming. But these symptoms strike fear into your heart. The apostles were afraid. They believed the storm is too big and with all their might they fought the storm with oars and not on their knees.
When we are sent out by God, we will face storms. The enemy will throw everything he possibly can towards you to make you afraid – winds, waves, and lightning. He will make the storm look so big and threatening that you might think you will never survive it. Friend, it doesn’t matter what the symptoms of the storm may be, do not allow fear to displace your faith.
Prayer: Father, thank You for showing us that storms have symptoms too and that we should not fear this. I pray for all today who face a coming storm. Whether it is in the form of a medical report, work situation, relationship issue, or whatever the storm may be –we hold onto our faith and not be afraid. Amen.
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