Day 4 – Shadow to Light
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me” Psalm 23:4(a)
In the beautiful garden of my childhood home, we had a big White Stinkwood tree that cast its shadows against my bedroom wall. My wild imagination conjured images with the shadows (like watching clouds forms) and most nights it scared me. It wasn’t the images themselves but the menacing darkness of the shadows dancing against the stark white, moonlit wall. Here is the thing about shadows: they cannot hurt you; they are bigger than the source casting it and; where there is a shadow, there is a source of light.
Things we stress about (like finances or relationship quarrels) are Death Valley shadows cast to fill us with fear. The stress (shadow) is always bigger than what the situation (source) truly is. When we see the shadow of death we should turn our focus to the Light who is Jesus. I remembered when I switched the night light on, I wasn’t afraid anymore because the shadows disappeared. It is exactly the same when we look to Jesus and allow Him to be the eternal Light in our lives – fear has to leave! Just like shadows disappearing in the luminescence of light. Trust God when your path winds through these valleys in life; He promises that He is with you!
Prayer: Father, we fear shadows of situations we do not have control over. Teach us to turn to Jesus – our Light – instead of being fearful of the shadow of death. With You, I will fear no evil because in Jesus our light source there is no shadow. Thank You, Lord, for being with me even when I do fear while walking through the valleys of my situations. Amen.
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