Day 8 – Spiritual Blessings – Chosen

“just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,” Ephesians 1:4 NKJV

You, beloved, are chosen by God before He even spoke creation into existence. A special election of saints, if you will. God has chosen you and me to make us holy and blameless through Jesus Christ. All because of His relentless and unfailing love, good pleasure, and grace. Verse 5-6 continues this blessing that even while we were dead in our sins, He chose to extend His grace to the whole world, every person by offering us salvation through His beloved Son.

It’s a blessing we never have to ask Him for and certainly not one we deserve but isn’t it amazing to realise that God made this decision – gave us this blessing – before sin even entered the world? Our spirits carry this blessing of being chosen by the Source of everything!

Prayer: Father, You are such a gracious and loving God that before I took my first breath, before I was conceived, and before You laid the foundation of this world, You’ve already chosen me. Even when the world rejects me because I have chosen You, Jesus, I can put my faith in the One who chose me before I chose You. In Jesus’s Name. Amen.