Day 7 – What are Spiritual Blessings?

“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.” Ephesians 1:3 NLT
Today’s key verse specifically mentions “spiritual blessings”, but what are these blessings and what do they mean in our relationship with Christ? These are not some supernatural powers like those of Superman, nor are they a mystical cosmic connection reserved for a selected few in the faith. These blessings are principal blessings in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Throughout the first few days, we looked at the Source of blessings (God), what blessings are not and the misconceptions about blessings. In the next few days, we will unfold the meaning and purpose of spiritual blessings as in Ephesians 1. But first, let’s look at what the word “blessing” means. Translated from the Greek word “eulogy” which means “to speak well of”. So, since God is the one acting in this verse – bestowing the blessings – we can say God is speaking, pronouncing, and declaring good things over us for the benefit of our spiritual lives to bring honour and glory to Him. The good things or blessings God has decreed for us are beyond our ability to number or comprehend. We will outline a few following Ephesians 1:4-13 in the next few days.
Prayer: Father, thank You for blessing us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Jesus Christ. May these blessings we are uncovering become foundational in our relationship growth with You through Jesus. Open our hearts and minds and please give us the wisdom to understand them. In Jesus’s Name, amen.

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