Day 2 – How far are you prepared to search?
Proverbs 2:4-5 “If you seek skilful and godly wisdom as you would silver And search for her as you would hidden treasures; then you will understand the [reverent] fear of the Lord [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] And discover the knowledge of God.”
Wisdom is not something that will just fall into your lap. From these verses, it is clear that we must search long and hard for it. I always wondered about this. Why would God hide wisdom in the form of treasures if He wanted us to have it? Isaiah explains: “I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” (Isaiah 45:3)
God hides His wealth of wisdom for us and from the enemy. It is to keep it from the enemy’s sight because it is valuable and precious.
God wants us to really want it. He desires for us to search for it conscientiously with our whole heart, more than if it were silver or gold. And when we have found it, two things will happen. We will understand the reverent fear of the Lord, resulting in our worship. And God will get the glory because His wisdom is truly amazing.
Let’s make it our life purpose to find this precious treasure.
Prayer: Almighty God, You are faithful and holy! I bow my knees before You today and acknowledge that only in You can I find sustenance and life. You are the only source of wisdom and knowledge and truth. Help me when I read Your Word, to read with a longing heart and searching eyes. Help me to find Your hidden riches. Amen.
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