Listen – Day 9

3rd Voice

“The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.” John 10:3

I will recognise the voice of my husband, children and parents in a crowd. I’m tuned in to what they sound like – if they are happy or in distress.

Jesus said that His sheep recognize His voice. They know His voice because they belong to Him. It’s part of our embedded creation existence to recognise God’s voice. We just have to learn to know His voice better than we know those of our loved ones.

We have our own voice. And the voice of God we recognise. But there is a third voice. A voice that will try to convince you to not listen to the voice of the Shepard. The voice that lies and the voice that tells you that God is silent. That you don’t need to worry if you do not hear Him. This is the voice of the prowling, roaring lion seeking to destroy you. The voice of the one that wants to remove you from God’s glory and plan. Even highly disguised, the voice of the enemy is the one who is lying. If you know the Truth of God’s word, you’ll know immediately it’s a third voice.

God is always speaking. Always. And we recognise Him in our own special listening way.

Prayer: Father, thank You that I have the created ability to recognise Your voice. Help me to know it intimately so I can recognise it under any circumstances. Amen. ©


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